Chris Galletta

Chris is a retired firefighter/"para-magician", and arson investigator, one of John's 4 younger brothers. He's also an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and our Range Medic. He's an expert at plugging holes but has no pressing plans to do that any time soon. So keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot, and your muzzle pointed away from anything and anyone you don't intend to destroy.

Chris is an

  • Department of Justice (DOJ) Certified CCW Firearms Instructor
  • USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) Certified Instructor
  • NRA (National Rifle Association) Certified Firearms Instructor
  • Range Medic / Paramedic
  • Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Concealed Firearm Instructor
  • Utah Bureau of Investigations (BCI) Concealed Firearm Instructor
  • Stop the Bleed® Instructor
  • Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Program Administrator
  • Certified in the State of California to Roll Fingerprints

Chris is also an accomplished IRON MAN, having competed in 21 Iron Man competitions. When he goes out for a bike ride, it's usually 100 miles or more. He's dad to one human and 3 fur babies that are usually close behind.

Born on a Marine Corps base, he's always sporting a "high & tight" haircut. Although he's never been in the military, you wouldn't be able to tell as he's always punctual, disciplined, organized, and in tip-top shape.

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