John Galletta

It all started with a BB gun John's father got for him to teach responsibility. From there, his fascination for firearms grew. Growing up in a rural desert community, his firearm traveled with him like a canteen or a backpack. It was a part of him and used only to gather food and to protect himself.

Times have changed but that experience, and the tips he learned from his Navy Doctor father, helped him become an Expert Marksman in the United States Air Force and eventually, a Certified Firearms Instructor. Having a SEAL Team Sniper in the family has also been an asset in John's ability to engage targets at long distances with precision.

Straight out of the military in 1988, he landed at the largest helicopter flight training school in the United States as a pilot and Marketing Director. There is where he got his feet wet in law enforcement working with the DOJ's Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement and "flight for hire" at various law enforcement agencies.

As a graduate of the Riverside Sheriff's Academy (Palm Desert Campus), he was the "highest scoring marksman" in the history of the academy. He carried those skills and traits with him to the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS), where he also became a Preventive Radiological Nuclear Detection (PRND) Instructor, a 4th Amendment Instructor, and then a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Certified Instructor for the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Counter Terrorism Operations Support (CTOS) Program.

​Firearms have been a part of his existence for many years and instructing, has been a passion of his that he enjoys immensely. His real-world approach to firearms instruction, specifically, the Anatomy of Fear, a vital part of his CCW courses, is especially eye-opening. His specialty has been instructing first-time and women shooters. His ability to remove fears associated with firearms and empower men and women to pick up a gun and learn to shoot is uncanny.

John is a

  • DOJ (Department of Justice) Certified CCW Instructor
  • DOJ (Department of Justice) Certified Firearms Instructor
  • POST (Peace Officer's Standards and Training) Certified Firearms Instructor
  • NRA (National Rifle Association) Certified Firearms Instructor
  • Riverside County Sheriff’s Approved CCW Instructor (4th Largest Sheriff's Department in the Nation)
  • San Bernardino County Sheriff's Approved CCW Instructor (The Largest Sheriff's Department in the Nation)
  • Los Angeles County CCW Instructor (Select cities on MYCCW.US) 
  • Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Concealed Firearm Instructor
  • Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services CCW Instructor
  • Utah Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI) Concealed Firearm Instructor
  • Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Program Administrator
  • Certified in the State of California to Roll Fingerprints
  • Stop the Bleed® Certified Instructor
  • DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Certified Instructor Level II, for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Counter Terrorism Operations Support (CTOS) Program.
  • Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) and a
  • Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)

Come learn from a Firearms Instructor with a diverse background in a myriad of disciplines. Learn the methods of improving accuracy and consistency regarding round placement.

In 10 rounds or less, you'll be shooting better than you ever imagined. He'll prove it to you like he has done for hundreds, every single time.

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